
Flammatech > Projects 3

LC Waikiki

LSG Sky Chefs

Midland Hotels

Menengai Oil


Mitchell Cotts

Middle East Bank

Nyama Mama

Nairobi West Hospital

Nature Systems

Nairobi Gate Industrial Park

Prudential Insurance Africa

Paix Data Centre

Radisson Inn

Regional Centre For Mapping of Resources For Development

Rubis LPG Gas Distribution Centre

Rosslyn Riveria Mall

Strikez Bowling

Sanlam Life Insurance

Shinryo Corporation, Mombasa Port Development

Sankara Hotels

Scania Vehicles


Stellato Towers

Saif Solutions


The Standard Group

TDB Office Development

Thika Road Mall

Texas Alarms

The Riverine

The Nairobi Hospital

The Sarit Mall phase 3A

The Aga Khan University

Westgate Mall Cinema

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