Different Types of Fires and How to Extinguish them

Different Types of Fires and How to Extinguish them

There are five different classes of fire, and each can be extinguished with either one extinguisher, or with two or more. The breakdown is as below:

Class A – Ordinary Combustibles

Example: Wood, Paper, Cloth, Rubber, and Plastics

Extinguisher: Water (Red Label), Foam (Cream), Dry Powder (Blue), Wet Chemical (Yellow)


Class B – Flammable Liquids and Combustible Liquids

Example: Gasoline, Oil-Based Paints, Alcohol

Extinguisher: Foam (Cream), Dry Powder (Blue), Carbon Dioxide (Black)


Class C – Live Electrical Equipment

Example: Electrical Wiring, Fuse Box

Extinguisher: Dry Powder (Blue), Carbon Dioxide (Black)


Class D – Combustible Metal

Example: Magnesium, Titanium, Sodium

Extinguisher: Dry Powder (Blue)


Class K – Commercial Cooking Equipment

Example: Vegetable Oils, Animal Oils, Fats in commercial cooking appliances

Extinguisher: Wet Chemical Fire (Yellow)


Dry Powder can be used to extinguish most fires, except those caused by Cooking Oils or classified as Class K Fires. Similarly, only a Wet Chemical Extinguisher can be used for commercial cooking equipment fire, needed where deep-fryers and/or griddles are utilized to prepare large quantities of food.

Complete Regular Training

A fire extinguisher should always be used when it is necessary, especially for the types of fire you are most likely to encounter. Help staff determine whether a fire is too advanced to handle on their own, and when and how to immediately alert the authorities. Make a commitment to attending regular fire safety training to stay up to date on preparedness techniques, tools, and technology.

Incorporate a tested evacuation plan with your fire extinguisher training. Make sure your plan is prominently displayed and that, in the event of an emergency, everyone inside your facility has easy access to the escape route.

Keep Up with Testing and Maintenance

Remember to check your equipment regularly and replace your fire extinguisher when it expires. You should also have your building inspected by a Risk Assessor to ensure it meets fire safety regulations related to fire protection systems, building capabilities, and fire detection requirements.

No matter what type of fire you want to defend against, Flammatech has the tools, technology and expertise you need. From fire drills to installing, testing and maintaining your fire protection system, we can help.

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For more information on how we can help you , Email Us: at [email protected] or give us a call at 0722 792 999. We are located at Godown No. 16, Gilgil Industrial Park, Gilgil Road. For more fire safety tips, be sure to follow us on Facebook.

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